Specifically, as Robby said earlier, `list?` is memoized, so e.g. (first
(rest (build-list 10 values))) only pays this price once. And `list?`
rejects pairs that have cycles.


On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 5:51 AM, Matthias Felleisen <matth...@ccs.neu.edu>

> first and rest were introduced in the teaching languages first when we
> decided it was about principles of design and cadadar was cute but nobody
> should have care.
> first and rest are about lists in other languages and the names say so.
> car and cdr are about pairs (not that their names say so) and should be
> called left and right.
> first and rest were applied to immutable cons-es in *SL, so we knew that
> no checks were needed.
> first and rest migrated to racket but we wanted them to be like those in
> *SL. So we checked. Fortunately, lists became immutable so
> list? is essentially O(1) and has negligible cost.
> On Jul 28, 2017, at 6:40 AM, Robby Findler <ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu>
> wrote:
> It could have been. I am not sure why (but it probably had something to do
> with better checking for the teaching languages, Matthias may recall more).
> Robby
> On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 4:19 AM Daniel Prager <daniel.a.pra...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Interesting stuff, but if I may probe a little deeper into scheme
>> history, why couldn't first have simply been defined as a synonym for car
>> (i.e. first item in a pair) and rest a synonym for cdr?
>> Dan
>> On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 6:09 PM, Neil Van Dyke <n...@neilvandyke.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Daniel Prager wrote on 07/28/2017 01:03 AM:
>>>> > `first` and `rest` need to check if the input is a list.
>>>> Why is that?
>>> When Racket/Scheme/Lisp people speak of checking whether something is a
>>> list, I think they usually mean in the sense of the predicate `list?` (or
>>> `listp`), which is usually an O(n) test for whether a value is a
>>> properly-formed list of pairs (or cons cells) terminated by a null.
>>> One reason people sometimes do the expensive list check is because it
>>> can be good practice (to have your procedure check its arguments at entry,
>>> so it can say the bug is not its fault, as early as possible).  Teaching
>>> languages are one place I don't think anyone would question whether this is
>>> good practice.
>>> Another possible reason is that, unless the cost of `list?` has
>>> previously been pointed out to you, it's easy to just use it without even
>>> considering whether it might be expensive.  Even once I knew this, I still
>>> did this at least once, myself.
>>> When writing list-processing code that has to deal with potentially
>>> large lists, if you're not using a type system that avoids the expensive
>>> `list?` cost, IMHO, it's usually OK for an initial argument type check to
>>> use a `pair?`/`null?` in lieu of `list?`, or possibly do no initial check
>>> at all.  If you want to provide better exceptions on improper lists, you
>>> can check for list correctness as you proceed with your algorithm, and
>>> raise an exception yourself (such as including the original argument value,
>>> which info would not be in the exception if, say, `cdr` raised it).
>>> BTW, if you want to be professional about list-processing code you write
>>> for use with potentially arbitrary lists, it's good to remember that lists
>>> can have cycles, and... uh, you can usually just document that "behavior is
>>> undefined" for lists with cycles. :) Especially since today you're usually
>>> dealing with immutable pairs, in modern Racket, where cycles are much less
>>> likely than they were when we used `set-cdr!`.  (Or, if you can't afford to
>>> hang in an infinite loop on cycles that are reasonably plausible, and you
>>> don't mind slowing down and complicating things a little, and you don't
>>> mind having a maximum list size for your procedure, you can keep a counter
>>> during what could otherwise be an infinite loop in your algorithm, which
>>> you can then keep checking, to decide whether to raise an exception.  Or
>>> you can do it a harder way, like one of "https://en.wikipedia.org/
>>> wiki/Cycle_detection".[1]  Or you could use a less-basic
>>> language/platform facility, and raise an exception if some limit of compute
>>> resource or time is reached for that procedure call.)
>>> [1] Tangential story about school and industry.  The first time that I
>>> hit a speed bump in a software development interview was a long time ago,
>>> when some CS student co-founder of a video game startup asked me how to
>>> detect whether a linked list had cycles.  So, having some schooling and
>>> experience by that time, but not recalling this problem from when I took
>>> Data Structures & Algorithms years earlier, I started working through the
>>> problem, while trying to ignore distracting social cues that the
>>> interviewer might not have realized he was making--  Then the interviewer
>>> tells me he'd recently given the same question to a CS student from his
>>> school, who'd immediately named "the" algorithm, and who'd then proceeded
>>> to derive a proof of it on the whiteboard.  Then the interviewer vetoed me
>>> as a hire, despite the CS systems cred for which his co-founder recruited
>>> me in the first place, not that I'm still bitter. :)  So, if you didn't
>>> know/remember that there are off-the-shelf algorithms for cycle detection,
>>> now you do, and, when you someday interview others, consider not being a
>>> punk about it. :)
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