On Friday, August 18, 2017 at 1:11:16 AM UTC-4, Alexis King wrote:
> > On Aug 17, 2017, at 21:52, Sam Waxman <samwax...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > On a related note, I've read that read-syntax is supposed to return a
> > syntax-object whose lexical context is stripped. Why is that? Doesn't
> > that make it impossible for the language to know the difference
> > between the let I used in an earlier file and the let that the user
> > types as an identifier?
> Yes, this is likely the cause of your problem (and it’s what I guessed
> was probably going on before you sent the second post). This is, for
> better or for worse, currently a no-no in Racket — syntax objects
> produced by a #lang’s reader are supposed to only have source locations
> and syntax properties on them, not lexical context.
> There are various reasons this can be explained, some historical, others
> technical. One explanation I’ve heard is that valid programs read by
> `read-syntax` are supposed to also be valid programs if read by `read`
> — this means lexical context shouldn’t matter. In practice, I think this
> is probably not a very strong argument (I think `read`’s existence and
> its relationship to the #lang protocol is mostly a historical artifact
> in Racket), but there are also questions about the meaning of syntax
> objects with lexical context that have not yet been seen by the
> macroexpander. Those technical details are outside of my realm of
> knowledge, but I can at least offer some solutions.
> Generally, my recommendation is to essentially define your language in
> two passes: a direct translation to s-expressions, followed by a phase
> of macroexpansion. The first phase is what your reader interacts with.
> Give the primitives that your reader produces names that are unlikely
> to conflict with users’ code — specifically, prefix them with “#%” so
> that they are clearly special. It can also be useful to include
> characters in the identifier names that aren’t even valid identifier
> characters in your language, but this is not always possible if any
> character can be legally used in an identifier. Either way, this means
> your my-let macro should likely be named something like #%let or
> #%my-language-let, and your reader produce syntax objects without
> lexical context that use these #%-prefixed primitives.
> The good news is, once you have converted your #lang’s source syntax to
> s-expressions, you can hand those expressions off to the macroexpander,
> and then you can use whatever hygienic names you wish. You can define
> your #%-prefixed primitives as hygienic macros that expand to
> nicely-scoped syntax objects with lexical context. For example, in a
> non-s-expression language I implemented in Racket, I converted lambda
> syntax into uses of a #%lambda form, and since the language supported
> pattern-matching, I defined #%lambda as a macro that expanded to plain
> old match-lambda** from racket/match. At that point, the name will not
> conflict, because macroexpansion is hygienic.
> It feels a little inelegant that Racket’s hygiene system does not extend
> to read-time, since it means the sort of hacks necessary in unhygienic
> languages are sometimes necessary in Racket when implementing a reader.
> Fortunately, a reader is much more self-contained and smaller in scope
> than a macro-enabled language, so it usually isn’t a big deal. Perhaps
> some language will eventually motivate a hygienic reader layer, but
> Racket doesn’t current have one.

Wow, I'm very surprised that the reader doesn't have hygiene! Seems odd that 
you can't do a number of things if your language's identifiers are allowed to 
have all the characters present in racket's.

Thankfully my languages doesn't allow # or % to be id characters, so I can do 
as you say and just prefix my macros with them. Thanks! 

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