> On Feb 23, 2018, at 5:11 AM, 'Paulo Matos' via Racket Users 
> <racket-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> This fails because the i in the body of the test case does not exist at
> run-time. I understand why this is failing. However if I try to replace
> the i by #,(syntax->datum #'i) it also fails. My feeling is that I need
> to introduce a new template variable, which I would generally do with
> with-syntax however I am not sure how to integrate this with the
> for/list expression.

`i` is a compile-time value that you need to convert into a piece of syntax, so 
`syntax->datum` goes the wrong direction. You could use `datum->syntax`, or 
even just this:

#lang racket

(define-syntax (gen-testsuite stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ n)
        "Automated suite"
        #,@(for/list ([i (syntax->datum #'n)])
             (with-syntax ([i i])
                  (format "Test number ~a" i)
                  (check = i i)))))]))

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