> On Mar 26, 2018, at 11:03 AM, Eric Griffis <ded...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The `struct` form is defined in `struct.rkt` [1]. As you can see, `struct` 
> wraps `define-struct/derived` [2], which uses many things exported from 
> `struct.c` [3]. The "Inside: Racket C API" doc [5] describes some of these 
> functions -- see section 16.
> On the matter of structs being essentially vectors: Again in `struct.c` [3], 
> the C function `scheme_make_struct_instance` (line 2388) instantiates a 
> `Scheme_Structure`, which is declared in `schpriv.h` [4], line 1113. The 
> field values go into a `slots` array, which points directly to the 
> `Scheme_Object`s (i.e. arbitrary Racket values) supplied to 
> `scheme_make_struct_instance`. Assuming Racket vectors are essentially C 
> arrays, Racket structs are like vectors in this way.
> Looking at `Scheme_Struct_Type`, defined just above `Scheme_Structure` in 
> `schpriv.h` [4], it's clear there's nowhere to store field names. We can 
> confirm this by looking at `_make_struct_type` in `struct.c` [3], starting at 
> line 4778, as this is the function used (indirectly) by 
> `define-struct/derived`.
> Eric

Thanks, Eric! So maybe the solution for that would not be rewriting the struct 
definition altogether, but providing that additional information in something 
equivalent to a le over lambda, which would contain that meta information? 

I ran into an issue that felt similar to this when I was trying to pass method 
names around in Racket objects. I’ve no idea, but I would think the “solution” 
to both issues would be similar. Admittedly, I’ve not dug down into either 
structs or objects deep enough. 


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