The trouble, sadly, is that this grammar is ambiguous. In

  (for ([(x y) s])

should (x y) be parsed as a single match pattern or as two binders for a 
two-valued sequence (such as one produced by in-hash, for example)? You could 
make it unambiguous in various ways, such as by requiring uses of match 
patterns to all use the multi-valued binder syntax (with an extra set of 
parens), but that’s a bit clumsy. Unfortunately, I can’t think of any 
particularly elegant way to support match patterns in for loop binders in a 
backwards-compatible way.


> On Nov 22, 2018, at 20:14, Greg Hendershott <> wrote:
>> (define-syntax (match-for stx)
> That's nice.
> Sometimes I wish I could do the general thing -- use `match` patterns
> in the binding clauses for any `for`-family form.
> I often do something like this:
>    (define xs (list (cons 1 2) (cons 3 4)))
>    (for ([x (in-list xs)])
>      (match-define (cons a b) x)
>      (use a b))
> Instead it would be nice to write:
>    (for ([(match-define (cons a b)) (in-list xs)])
>      (use a b))
> Or even just:
>    (for ([(cons a b c) (in-list xs)])
>      (use a b))
> In the grammar, `id` becomes `id-or-match-pattern`.
> On the other hand, this would only really help in simple
> `match-define` destructuring -- as opposed to using `match` to handle
> variations in the data. And although I do the former a lot, I do the
> latter even more.

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