I'm not familiar with Ruby, so this is just some general information.

The Racket web server already supports concurrency with its built-in green
threads, so handling one request won't block the concurrent handling of
another. (Not all languages' built-in web servers do this; I don't know
about Ruby in particular).

There isn't built-in support for parallelism, i.e. for taking advantage of
multiple processor cores. This isn't built in, and I don't personally need
this (my server only has two cores, and it runs a database and other
processes in addition to Racket). However, it is probably possible to
recreate the architecture you describe.

Essentially you would be running multiple instances of your application
behind a load-balancer. If you want to use nginx as a load balancer, that's
out of the equation; implementing a load-balancer in Racket would certainly
be possible but probably more work. Extra-linguistically, you could just
create a few systemd services or similar to run several totally separate
Racket instances. Within Racket, you would want to build on "places." You
can have N worker places running N instances of your application on N
OS-level threads, plus a master place to control them. A mechanism for
gracefully stopping the Racket web server is built in (see serve/launch/wait
Reloading isn't built in, but I've heard good things about the "reloadable"
package (https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/package/reloadable), which should let
you implement it if needed.

While I only run one instance of our application, I do use places to
redirect HTTP to HTTPS.

One caveat is that all of this assumes that, if you are using continuations
at all, you are using serializable continuations with `#lang web-server`.
Making places work well with native continuations would probably be a lot
of work, and it would probably be better to build that functionality into
the Racket web server than to try to fake it as a client.


On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 3:46 PM Brian Adkins <lojicdot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm porting a web application from Ruby/Rails to Racket, and I'd like
> something to manage the Racket server processes.
> In the Ruby world, I'm currently using Unicorn (
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicorn_(web_server) ) prior to that I used
> Nginx Passenger ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phusion_Passenger ), etc.
> Another popular Ruby app server is Puma (
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puma_(web_server) )
> I'll use nginx as the front end web server, and it will proxy to the
> application server. In a nutshell, for Unicorn, I configure the location of
> the Rails app, configure how many processes I want, and Unicorn will spin
> up that number of Rails processes and handle routing requests from nginx to
> each of the Rails processes in some fashion. If a Rails process exists
> abnormally, it will spin up another one to replace it. To deploy a new
> version of my app, I can send a signal to the Unicorn master process to
> *gracefully* restart all the processes i.e. it waits for the current
> request to finish, and then kills the process and spins up a new one using
> the new version of the app.
> Are there similar application servers available for Racket? Alternatively,
> if not, and you have long running applications in Racket, what are you
> using to manage them?
> Thanks,
> Brian
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