> PS There's also a racket package called plisqin which seemed closer to 
> what I was looking for. Maybe in a few months or so if it clicks I'll see 
> if I can add to that package everything I need (things like limit and 
> distinct) and it might work out.

Good news, limit and distinct are in scope for v0.2 - I'm working on it now 

Right now, the scope for plisqin 0.2 is determined by
1) About 6k lines of SQL from my day job
2) Ecto's query API: https://hexdocs.pm/ecto/Ecto.Query.API.html#content

I figure that's a decent way to define a reasonable scope. But if you or 
anyone has a list of "must have" features, let me know and I'll certainly 
consider it.

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