I think the issue is that there's genuinely a cycle here, and so you have
to take advantage of mutation or the implicit mutation of module
initialization. point-x has a reference to the point structure type, which
in turn has a reference to the table of properties, which contains the
writer function, which refers to point-x.


On Fri, Feb 22, 2019, 5:35 PM Jack Firth <jackhfi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does it seem weird to anybody else that there's no way to set struct
> properties without mutual recursion?
> Say I'm defining a 2d point struct and want to set the prop:custom-write
> property to control how points print. I might start with this:
> (struct point (x y)
>   #:property prop:custom-write
>   (lambda (this out _)
>     (write-string "(point " out)
>     (write (point-x this) out)
>     (write-string " " out)
>     (write (point-y this) out)
>     (write-string ")" out)))
> This works fine. But if I try to extract that lambda into a named function:
> (struct point (x y) #:property prop:custom-write write-point)
> (define (write-point pt out _) ...)
> That doesn't work, and the error complains that I'm using write-point
> before it's defined. This error makes sense to me. The property value is
> associated with the type, not with instances, and the struct form is
> essentially a macro that expands to a call to `make-struct-type` with a
> list of property values. So I understand that I need to define those
> properties before using them in the struct definition:
> (define (write-point pt out _) ...)
> (struct point (x y) #:property prop:custom-write write-point)
> All well and good. But then I decide that defining write-foo for every one
> of my struct types is tedious, so I define a make-list-type-writer helper
> function and try to use it:
> (define ((make-list-type-writer name . accessors) this out _)
>   (write-string "(" out)
>   (write-string name out)
>   (for ([accessor (in-list accessors)])
>     (write-string " " out)
>     (write (accessor this) out))
>   (write-string ")" out))
> (define write-point (make-list-type-writer "point" point-x point-y))
> (struct point (x y) #:property prop:custom-write write-point)
> And now we've got a problem. This doesn't work because I can't pass the
> point-x and point-y accessors as arguments to make-list-type-writer. They
> don't exist yet! So in order to make my property value, I need the struct
> defined. But in order to define the struct, I need the property value. A
> workable fix is to delay evaluation somewhere with lambdas:
> (define write-point
>   (make-list-type-writer
>     "point"
>     (lambda (this) (point-x this))
>     (lambda (this) (point-y this))))
> This feels tedious and unnecessary. Looking at the underlying API of
> make-struct-type, I can't see any way to avoid this mutual recursion. Which
> is *weird* to me, because when else are you forced to use mutual
> recursion? Mutually recursive functions can be transformed into functions
> that accept the other function as an argument. Mutually recursive modules
> can (usually) be broken down into smaller modules that don't have any
> cyclic dependencies. But I can't seem to do the same for structs, which
> makes it difficult to write nice helper functions for building struct types
> in a first-class way.
> --
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