My celebration was a bit premature. Strangely jumping to definition now 
worked and sent me to the right location but no code changes were picked 
up. I read the docs some more and noticed that raco pgk show  showed actual 
checksum for /rackunit/ packages instead of #f and the source said /clone/ 
not /link/. After that I did a number of stupid things and managed to botch 
my packages so completely that even raco gave up and wouldn't stop 
demanding some missing rackunit files in some internal collects/ dir.

I gave up and did a clean Racket reinstall from source. Took a while. I 
imagine there must be a way to bootstrap packages without complete 
reinstall, but I don't know how.

I did manage to get what I want. Here:

git clone
> cd rackunit


> # just install every subdirectory
> ~/Code/rackunit $ raco pkg install -j 8 --force -u --type dir rackunit*


> # verify
> ~/Code/rackunit $ raco pkg show --all --long --rx "rackunit*"


> Installation-wide:

  ... omitted but rackunit pkgs are still there ...


User-specific for installation "development":
>  Package                Checksum    Source
>  rackunit               #f          (link 
> "/Users/russki/Code/rackunit/rackunit")
>  rackunit-doc           #f          (link 
> "/Users/russki/Code/rackunit/rackunit-doc")
>  rackunit-gui           #f          (link 
> "/Users/russki/Code/rackunit/rackunit-gui")
>  rackunit-lib           #f          (link 
> "/Users/russki/Code/rackunit/rackunit-lib")
>  rackunit-plugin-lib    #f          (link 
> "/Users/russki/Code/rackunit/rackunit-plugin-lib")
>  rackunit-test          #f          (link 
> "/Users/russki/Code/rackunit/rackunit-test")
>  rackunit-typed         #f          (link 
> "/Users/russki/Code/rackunit/rackunit-typed")

And yep, jump to definition works and changes are picked up.

In conclusion. I'm not really sure. I definitely went through a phase of 
cargo culting here, copying incantations I don't quite understand. Has the 
wider Racket community been bitten by that particular bug, yet? raco packs 
a lot of punch and plenty of docs to back that up, but it isn't always easy 
to figure it all out. I still don't understand this "multiple packages in 
the same repo" arrangement. For instance, raco merilly allowed me to 
install and link the root dir of rackunit. Turns out that does not include 
those subpackages. However if you do the --clone . trick that Philip 
suggested then it resolves deps and offers to install subdirs. But then 
/clone/ vs /link/ source are confusing, where the clone one isn't really 
linked, so code changes are ignored. Anyway, I guess I'm learning things 

Thank you for your patience

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