To Pollen, I've recently added a parallel-rendering facility with places, in 
emulation of how Racket docs are rendered in parallel.

But it doesn't quite work — I get intermittent / inconsistent errors from the 
filesystem (for instance, certain files that should exist do not, or certain 
files that shouldn't exist, do)

My intuition about places is weak. But it seems to me that Scribble renders are 
largely independent (= happening in separate folders on the filesystem). 
Whereas within a Pollen project, the rendered sources are often relying on 
shared files (for instance, a "template.html"). So there is more direct 
competition for use of certain files, which perhaps is Bad News.

Is there a rule of thumb for how to manage these conflicts? For instance, is it 
better to just avoid having places try to read or write from the same files? Is 
there some filesystem-blocking technique that can be used to make sure reads & 
writes don't collide? 

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