
the whole idea is to localize the identifiers to the for (preferred) or the 

Reaching back to get the whole list when the for has bound the same 
identifier is probably asking a bit much.

Within the given strictures I probably need to bind the list in the let* 
and use a different identifier in the for().

On Friday, June 14, 2019 at 12:46:54 PM UTC-4, David Storrs wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 10:45 AM Sanjeev Sharma < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> within this for loop is there any way to access different pieces of the 
>> description and amt?  car-ing and cdr-ing for example?
> I'm not entirely clear on what you're looking for, but maybe this helps?
> (define lst '(a b c))
> (for ([(val idx) (in-indexed lst)]) 
>   (displayln (cons  val idx)) 
>   (when (< idx (sub1 (length lst))) 
>     (displayln (format "\tnext val: ~a" (list-ref lst (add1 idx)))))) 
> Output:
> (a . 0)
>         next val: b
> (b . 1)
>         next val: c
> (c . 2)
>> Or move the identifier definitions into the let*, and pass those to for 
>> in some way?
>> (let*((ratio 9/12))
>>   (for((description(list "this" "that"))
>>        (amt(list 4467.61 2428.37)))
>>     (printf"~a ~a: changed values\n"
>>            description
>>            (cat(* amt ratio) -2.))))
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