> On Jul 10, 2019, at 9:14 PM, Matthias Felleisen <matth...@felleisen.org> 
> wrote:
> [(contract (-> string? integer?) (λ (x) x) 'a 'b)
> "hello”]

Incidentally, I’m not sure why, it must be something to do with the way I take 
apart and put together the world (i.e. the way I “learn” :) , but until a few 
posts ago I hadn’t grasped that the (->i and (->* notation are applicable the 
various places contracts are used! I’d used them in the provide expression and 
for some reason didn’t  extrapolate beyond it. I had a similar experience with 
syntax parameters and the use of syntax-xxxx within syntax-xxxxx expressions. 
Very interesting meta-revelation. 


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