> On Aug 29, 2019, at 1:24 PM, Kevin Forchione <lyss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I’ve been working for a little while with the idea of being able to pass 
> keyword arguments through a function that doesn’t define them. Additionally I 
> wanted to allow the “pass-through” function to define its own keywords. 
> Additionally didn’t want to have to pre-specify what function might be on the 
> receiving end of the call. But finally, if both pass-through and called 
> functions define the same keywords I didn’t want to have to differentiate 
> between them. 
> - This seems to involve some combination of make-keyword-procedure and 
> keyword-apply.
> -  Since make-keyword-procedure expects a “vanilla” function (one without 
> keywords specified) I decided to define a macro that would wrap the function 
> in a let  that with default bindings for each keyword defined by the 
> pass-through. Inside the function I would then assign any values provided by 
> the function call to those variables. 
> - Additionally I would build a parameterized list of keywords defined by the 
> pass-through chain. These would be used in conjunction with the keyword list 
> produced by procedure-keywords and the keywords/values captured by the 
> function call to “filter” the lists used by keyword-apply. The idea being to 
> eliminate any keyword/values supplied to the pass-through and defined by the 
> pass-through that were not defined by the  called function. This would allow 
> keywords not defined by either to be error by the called function. 
> As you can see, it’s a convoluted approach and I’m not sure how robust it 
> actually. I’m presenting working code (for my test cases…) but also wondering 
> if someone hasn’t already crated that wheel. :) 
A little syntactic sugar makes it appear more palatable with the addition of:

(define-syntax (keyword-apply/filter stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_ fn kw kv args)
     #'(let ()
         (define-values (rkw akw) (procedure-keywords h))
         (define-values (Δkw Δkv) (filter/kw (current-caller-kw) akw kw kv))
         (keyword-apply fn

And now the definitions are somewhat clearer:

(define (h #:c c . x)
  (list c x))
(def (g ((c 0)) . args)
  (list c (keyword-apply/filter h kw kv args)))
(def (f ((a 0)(b 0)) n p . ns)
  (list kw kv a b n p ns (keyword-apply/filter g kw kv ns)))


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