I don't think places are a good example for good support of parallelism.

It is difficult to get a flexible multi processing implementation done,
without hard-coding the lambdas, that run in each place, because we
cannot send serializable lambdas (which also are not core, but only
exist in the web server package) over channels. That means, that one
needs to define ones lambdas ahead of time before even starting a place
and sending it the data to process. That means, that we cannot have
something like a process pool.

The other problem is, that using places means using multiple Racket VMs,
if I remember correctly, which uses some RAM. It is not like places are
super lightweight at least.

Racket threads run on a single core, I think.

I know there is a tutorial about using futures somewhere, where it
depends on the number type one uses, whether the code can be
automatically run in parallel or not, so there is also some issue there,
or at least it did not look to me like one could use futures everywhere
and have neat parallelism.

When I tried to write a process pool kind of thing (had a lot of help
from this mailing list!), which I called work distributor, the above
mentioned problems with lambdas caused me to abandon that project, until
I can send lambdas over channels.

Correct any of the things I wrote above, if they are not true, but I
think Racket definitely needs a better multi processing story. I would
love to see something like Guile Fibers. Andy Wingo even mentioned in
his video, that some of the Racket greats advised him to look at
Concurrent ML and that that is where he got some ideas from, when
implementing Guile Fibers as a library. Shouldn't Racket then be able to
have a similar library? I don't understand how Fibers really works, but
that is a thought I had many times, since I heard about the Fibers library.



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