I have the following code, which in sequence calls the load-file dialog,
loads the file, processes it and populates a textbox:

  (define (try v e)
    (if v (success v) (failure e)))

  (define (load-and-process-file textbox parse fmt)
      (define f #f)
      (let* [(text
              (do [fname <- (try (get-file) 'no-filename)]
                (define _ (set! f (some-system-path->string fname)))
                [contents <- (try (file->string fname) 'read-error)]
                [xw <- (try (parse contents) 'parse-error)]
                (try (fmt xw) 'format-error)))
              (either error-string
                      (λ (t) (begin (replace-text textbox t)
                                    "Loaded file ~a"))
        (and status (set-status (format status f)))))

I've resorted to set! to get the filename out of the do chain so I can
display it as part of the status, but that feels a bit hacky. Is there a
neater way to do it?


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