This is great! Thank you for your work on this srfi. Transducers are 
relatively new to Racket's ecosystem and I'm happy to see more of the 
design space being explored.

The documentation in the SRFI document still holds with some small caveats: 
> bytevector-u8-reduce/transduce is now bytes-transduce/reduce and 
> tdelete-duplicates now takes three symbols 'eq?, 'eqv? or 'equal? instead 
> of arbitrary equality predicates.

I have a question about that. While implementing the deduplicating 
transducer, I tried to figure out a way to make it support arbitrary 
equality relations. But as far as I could tell 
it's impossible to do that in less than quadratic time because there's no 
way to check whether something is a duplicate without comparing it to every 
unique element seen so far. Is there an implementation of this SRFI that 
figured out an efficient way to do this in the general case?

I have really no idea how to package things for racket, nor do I have much 
> interest in doing so. I have played with it a bit, it seems to work. There 
> is a small test-suite still written in guile scheme, which should be 
> trivial to port. If someone wants to package this as a proper racket 
> package, I would be happy to accept pull requests or even transfer the 
> repository to someone else. The license used is sub-licenseable, so feel 
> free. If I find the repo to my liking I will deprecate my port and link to 
> you.
> Ideas for changes I would have done if I was using racket more than I 
> actually do: a (transduce ...)-form that uses rackets sequence interface. 
> Package it so It could be installed using raco. Port the test-suite. 
> Another part is figuring out what to call the library. 

I'd be happy to write an `info.rkt` that packages the code. For a package 
name, I suggest `srfi-171`. Would you be interested in writing Scribble 
documentation for the package?

The rebellion transducers seem to be aimed at another use-case (streaming 
> data, and parallelism) with other kind of guarrantees. It has a 
> _significantly_ higher overhead. I tried the following in rebellion 
> #lang racket 
> (require rebellion/streaming/transducer) 
> (require rebellion/collection/list) 
> (define lst (build-list 100000 values)) 
> (time (length (transduce (in-list lst) 
>                          (filtering odd?) 
>                          (mapping (lambda (x) (* x x))) 
>                          #:into into-list))) 
> and it takes about 5 seconds. The same thing using srfi-171 styled 
> transducers takes about 3ms (if my head is with me this morning, that is 
> about 1650x). I suspect I might be doing something wrong, or that there 
> might be some quadratic behaviour somewhere.

You're not doing anything wrong. Rebellion's transducers have awful 
constant (but not quadratic) factors and make lots of unnecessary 
allocations. There's no fundamental reason for this; the protocol can 
support efficient zero-allocation transducer implementations perfectly 
fine. I just haven't put work into that yet. See this issue 
<> for a summary of the 
problem and some possible ways to improve performance. For anyone reading 
this who's interested in benchmarking and optimizing tight loops, I'd love 
to hear your input.

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