Hello Racketeers,

I am struggling to make scribble typeset default values in
proc-doc/names in hexadecimal. An example would be:

  (->* () (integer?) void?)
   ((argument #x1f)))
  @{ some description }) ; yes, at-exp reader

The same applies to values in nested contracts of ->* - like (integer-in
0 #x1f).

Of course #,(~a "~x" #x1f) will produce the string with appropriate
contents - but enclosed in parentheses which does not help much. Also it
is not just a matter of typesetting because the provide form really
contracts the procedure being provided and the actual values should
actually be present.

I would love to see some documentation-stage parameter where I could
just (parameterize ((numbers-as-hexadecimal #t)) (integer-in ...) ...)
and it would keep the values as they are for contract purposes and
render them hexadecimal. Of course, this is quite specific - more
generic solution is probably more appropriate, this is just to explain
the problem I am trying to solve.


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