On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 6:52 AM Jens Axel Søgaard <jensa...@soegaard.net>

That's a very interesting project. You are so to speak optimizing for
> readability.
> I immediately get a vision of a SICM-like book, but for algebra instead of
> classical mechanics.
> Racket will be a good choice, since macros give you the possibility
> of experimenting with suitable, easily understood syntax.
> A tricky choice is to be made: how are the concepts going to be
> represented
> as Racket values. Normal structs does not allow multiple inheritance.
> Looking at a diagram such as the one below, raises the question whether
> the
> relationship between the various concepts are to be modelled explicitly or
> implicitly.
> [image: image.png]
> Maybe some kind of interface for each concept is needed?

Thanks for pointing those relationships out -- in the earlier Rust and
Haskell libraries I used a trait or typeclass for each concept/structure. I
decided to make the interfaces simpler but more repetitive by having (for
example) separate traits/typeclasses for Additive, Multiplicative and
"abstract" groups. That allowed (for example) the real numbers to form
groups under both addition and multiplication.

I'm hoping I can do something similar with Racket generic interfaces, as
the other people in this thread have kindly pointed out to me in their
packages and examples.

> Link to SICM in case you haven't seen it already.
> https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/structure-and-interpretation-classical-mechanics
> Note that the authors of SICM wrote a CAS in Scheme that is used in the
> book.

One of the benefits of reading through this (with a non-physics background)
is the chance to re-examine the use of notation in mathematics and how it
can transfer to a computing environment.



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