Hi everyone,

I am new here, and I have a couple of questions related to the code that 
follows this message.

1. I want to learn functional programming. When it comes to solving the 
problem of making a simple chatbot such as this, is there an approach that 
is more consistent with functional programming?
2. I would prefer to not have to use multiple spaces every time I want to 
indent. Does Dr. Racket have anything comparable to the tab functionality 
of other programs?

Thank you for letting me join your community!



#lang racket

(require racket/match)

(define (say str)
    (printf "Chatbot: ~a\n" str))

(define (handle-input str)
        [(regexp-match #px"(?i:Hello,* world!)" str)
            (say "I would not know about the rest of the world, but I can 
hear \
you just fine.")]
        [(regexp-match #px"(?i:I( am|'m) learning how to program in 
Racket,* world!)" str)
            (say "Racket is a great language, and it is lovely that you are 
learning it, but does literally everyone need to know?")]

        [(regexp-match #px".*,+\\s*world!" str)
            (say "Did the whole world really need to hear that?")]
        [else (say "Did you really just say something without addressing 
the \
world? I am so proud of you! :,)")]))

(let loop ()
    (display "Input: ")
    (define str (read-line (current-input-port) 'any))
    (handle-input str)

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