> When I manually run
> $ cd try-catch/scribblings/ && scribble try-catch.scbl
> I get the try-catch.html file as expected but racket/base functions such
> as with-handlers are not properly linked -- i.e. they appear in blue with a
> red line under them and are not links.

   - As I understand, if you run scribble manually, you need to provide
   additional flags to make links work. I never remember what these flags are
   (perhaps +m?). But if you run Scribble via DrRacket, it should include
   these flags for you automatically.
   - But you can also just view the already rendered docs via raco docs
   try-catch. No need to use scribble again — it’s already run as a
part of raco
   setup. You can re-render it via raco setup. I like this way far better
   since the scribble command generates so many files in the source
   directory that I would need to add to .gitignore (I know --dest exists,
   but I usually forgot to provide it),  but raco setup generates the
   rendered doc either elsewhere or in doc directory, which can be added in
   .gitignore easily (actually it's already in gitignore if you use raco
   pkg new command).

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