I was somewhat surprised to see today that I can’t use a predicate with both 
positive and negative propositions in the way I would expect with partition:

> (:print-type partition)
(All (a b)
   (-> (-> b Any : #:+ a) (Listof b) (values (Listof a) (Listof b)))
   (-> (-> a Any) (Listof a) (values (Listof a) (Listof a)))))

Specifically, I would have expected the type to be something like this:

(All (a b c)
   (-> (-> b Any : #:+ a) (Listof b) (values (Listof a) (Listof b)))
   ;; the second list must consist of 'c's:
   (-> (-> b Any : #:+ a #:- c) (Listof b) (values (Listof a) (Listof c)))
   (-> (-> a Any) (Listof a) (values (Listof a) (Listof a)))))

… so that if, say, I had a list of Elephants and Emus, that I could use 
elephant? to split it into two lists: one of type (Listof Elephant) and one of 
type (Listof Emu).

I tried to roll my own, and got pretty close:

(: my-partition
   (All (a b c)
         ;; the second list must consist of 'c's:
         (-> (-> b Any : #:+ a #:- c) (Listof b) (values (Listof a) (Listof c)))

(define (my-partition my-pred elts)
  (cond [(empty? elts)
         (values '() '())]
         (define-values (stacks non-stacks)
           (my-partition my-pred (rest elts)))
         (define f (first elts))
         (cond [(my-pred f)
                (values (cons f stacks)
                (values stacks (cons f non-stacks))])]))

That is, I can do it for the case-> clause that I care about. Putting the other 
two back in there causes it to fail type-checking. Is that the problem, that TR 
can’t accommodate both flavors in the same type?


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