At Fri, 22 Oct 2021 17:24:30 -0400, Mike Engelhart wrote:
> I wanted to build a binary to send to a colleague to test it (who
> isn't a programmer and doesn't have Racket installed) but when I
> build it on my intel Macbook Pro and then send it to my M1 iMac

That should work.

I tried this small experiment:

 ;; ssl.rkt
  #lang racket/base
  (require openssl)

  (define-values (i o) (ssl-connect "" 443))

With that "ssl.rkt":

 $ raco exe ssl.rkt
 $ raco dist ssl-dist ssl
 $ tar zcf ssl-dist.tgz ssl-dist
 ... copy ssl-dist.tgz to an M1,
     then on that machine ...

 $ tar zxf ssl-dist.tgz
 $ ./ssl-dist/bin/ssl

and that much seemed to work.

Does the little "ssl.rkt" program above work for you? If not, which
version of Racket are you using? Also, just to make sure, are you
creating a distribution to move to the other machine, as opposed to
just an executable file?


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