On 11/30/2021 9:22 AM, Laurent wrote:
The last 10 spams have all these words in common:
and many more (which I won't copy here for obvious reasons).

So you could create a dedicated spam filter that looks for *any* of (not: all of) these words.

Unfortunately, this idiot has been spamming a number of (mostly programming language) groups for more than 10 years now.  Every other month or so the subject (and hence the relevant keywords) changes, along with the poster's name and email address, etc.

I used to read the racket groups through NN via Gmane ... sometimes still do, but mostly use email now.  A few years ago Gmane changed hands and got flaky for a while, so I activated email delivery on the racket group server to be sure I was seeing all the posts. Gmane still carries racket, but many of the other groups it used to carry are gone.

My NN reader has several filters dedicated to this italian spam, but (until recently) I didn't need to filter it from my email.


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