Hi guys, 
I’m stumped.  In a nutshell I want to write a macro that is passed  an id and 
will produce a macro called id that can take variable arguments. I’m sure I’m 
overlooking something fundamental. The basic form below “works” if I don’t have 
ellipsis aver the variables, but that’s not what I’m after. Here’s an example 
that is obviously wrong, but is along the lines of what I’m looking for:

#lang racket

(require (for-syntax syntax/parse

(define-syntax (make-id-macro stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_ id)
     (with-syntax ([name (format-id #'id "do-~a" #'id)])
       #'(define-syntax (name stx)
           (syntax-parse stx
             [(_ parms ...)
              #'( list parms ...)])))]))

Any help in this and explaining why it fails would be greatly appreciated.


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