hi all,

tunning and benchmarking Radiator.

we've this scenario:

 3 Radius clients (with radpwtst)in a VLAN
 2 Radiators in another VLAN
 1 Cisco Arrowpoint loadbalancing between clients & servers
 1 LDAP host for auth
 1 MySQL host for DYNADDRESS and acct

A high number of requests are simulated from the client side with 'radpwtst
... -nostop'
Every client sends 333 requests with a total of 999 requests.

When the load finish, there are in RADONLINE 999 users but some of them
share the same ip in framedipaddress.

In RADPOOL only 600 (more or less) has been asigned.

Taking an eye to the logs, it seems like when 2 o more auth requests arrive
simultaneously and ask to MySQL for obtain the next free ip in RADPOOL, the
answer is the same ip for both requests, and both requests will update the
same ip in RADPOOL.

Could be an explanation of 600 ip 'catched' in RADPOOL and not 999.

So in RADONLINE (when acct arrives) they will have the same ip.


-> is it really happenning that?

-> where I have the bottleneck?

-> must I tune MySQL or Radiator or ...?

thanks and regards,


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