Hello Hugh

El 21 Feb 2001, a las 11:28, Hugh Irvine escribió:

> Hello Mariano -
> I think you are getting much too complicated.
> My suggestion is to create a Handler to catch the "Alive" packets 
> from the NAS and either use an AuthBy SQL clause with 
> AcctSQLStatements to do what you require in the the session database, 
> or to write a hook that does the same thing.
OK, I'll try with the AuthBy SQL...

> BTW - I don't think there is any way to send instructions to the NAS 
> from Radiator to turn on the Alives. This will have to be configured 
> directly in the NAS.
There is, excerpt from RFC2869:

2.1.  RADIUS support for Interim Accounting Updates

   When a user is authenticated, a RADIUS server issues an Access-Accept
   in response to a successful Access-Request. If the server wishes to
   receive interim accounting messages for the given user it must
   include the Acct-Interim-Interval RADIUS attribute in the message,
   which indicates the interval in seconds between interim messages.

   It is also possible to statically configure an interim value on the
   NAS itself. Note that a locally configured value on the NAS MUST
   override the value found in an Access-Accept.

Notably, the Shasta works as the first paragraph says... I could even use 
a different interval for every user (taking this from an LDAP reply 

> regards
> Hugh

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