On 7/31/06, Josh Susser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Since trac is still out to lunch...

It's great to see SimplyRestful at last being rolled into trunk.  The
code refactoring looks nice, however there is a bug in handling extra
actions in the collection/member/new options.  flip_keys_and_values
(hash) will lose all but one of the actions that have the same method.

flip_keys_and_values({ :reply => :get, :create_reply => :post, :spawn
=> :post, :split => :post })
# => { :get => :reply, :post => :create_reply }

(YMMV for the particular :post action retained depending on the
randomish hash ordering.)

I don't think you'll be able to get flip_keys_and_values to do what
you want and return a hash.  The old way of inverting a hash into an
array of arrays seemed to work fine.

Josh Susser

Could you by chance get a failing test?  The SR tests are in
actionpack/test/controller/resources_test.rb.  I've fixed 2 slight
bugs that I was seeing in my apps and I think I have one or two more

Rick Olson
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