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Interesting. The queries I'm generating get pretty nasty and there's something to be said for the symmetry offered by a key in the options and documentation, etc. I can probably unwind the :having stuff I've done and glue it all onto the :group clause if I'm one of the few people who care about it and use it, but it makes my OCD twitch a little. But I can always leave the :having hackery I've added to my query generation stuff tucked away in my lib/ to allay my cleanliness obsession.

I think this is a relatively low hanging add, but its pointless for me to toil away extracting in into a patch if nobody cares or wants the extra key.

On Aug 5, 2006, at 12:08 PM, Josh Susser wrote:

On Aug 4, 2006, at 11:19 PM, Blake Watters wrote:
I have recently needed support for having clauses for some advanced find queries in my application. I've implemented this in a mixin that implements a new set of finders and query constructors that mirror the core Active Record, except for the additional support for :having as an argument. This has reached stability and now works with eager loading and scopings, so I'd like to extract it from my application as a patch against Active Record core.

I'm using HAVING just fine already. Just append the HAVING clause to the end of the :group option.

  find(:all, :readonly => false,
    :select => "articles.*",
    :joins => "INNER JOIN taggings t ON articles.id = t.article_id",
    :conditions => ["t.tag_id IN (?)", tag_list], :order => order,
:group => "articles.id HAVING COUNT(articles.id) = # {tag_list.size}")

Is there something you're using HAVING for that needs more flexibility than that?

Josh Susser

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