Hello Core ~

Today I spent a couple of hours on a very simple problem.  I won't go
into the gory details, but if your interested you can read my detailed
post to the rails list with the Subject: ActionMailer Sending Two
text/plain Parts.

Basically I needed a way to specify the email template file to be a
file other than the action name.  Your probably thinking, "That's
easy, just set the :template variable".  Damn straight it is easy, but
I had to open up rails/actionmailer/lib/actionmailer/base.rb to read
an excellent comment on how it works to know it was even there.  Is
there a document patch needed for ActionMailer? I would be happy to
help, or is there a way to have RDOC pick up those adv_attr_accessor
items?  Some of them are documented in the api.rubyonrails.com, and
some of them aren't.

I am encouraged by the source being so well documented and think I
will be hanging out there more often, but something like this could
really kill a newbie who is just looking at the api docs.

Thx everyone for your time and input,


Ben Reubenstein
Rails-core mailing list

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