ambo mambaco di koran bulan Oktober ko ado festival Kebudayaan Mentawai di
Museum Aiditiawarman Padang, kalau kawan inyiak sunguik (?) nak sato,
lakeh-lakeh lah ka Padang.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sjamsir Sjarif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Glenn Reeves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30 September 2000 20:48
Subject: Re: [RantauNet] Rantaunet: Yayasan Citra Mandiri

>Dear Glenn Reeves,
>Since your're not listed in the Rantaunet I am forwarding (new Minangkabau
>word: "porowaik") your email to the mailing list so the rest of our member
>will be able to read it.
>Thank you for the information you gave so far. I believe some of our
>members will check the homepage you've given here and will learn about
>Mentawai from it.  While our members are encouraged to speak Minangkabau in
>the Rantaunet, but most of them do speak other languages. the new trends is
>most of us are struggling to learn and improve ourselve to learn English as
>a part of Minangkabau desisre to catch up with the global communication.
>About myself, yes I added the Cultural Consultant in my business card in
>addtition to Indonesian Translator. Academically I was a student of
>History, Education, and Anthropology. Since I retired from the University
>of California Santa Cruz a few years ago I dedicate myself to the
>translation business which really enriched by my cultural backkground both
>in academic and personal experience.
>Meanwhile at least I see one response about Yayasan Citra Mandiri appeared
>in Rantaunet. I will forward it to your after this one.
>Best wishes,
>-- Sjamsir Sjarif
>>Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 21:09:27 -0600
>>X-Authentication-Warning: nobody set sender to
>>From: "Glenn Reeves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>X-Mailer: CADVision WebMail
>>X-Origin: [Fri Sep 29 2000 09:09 pm]
>>Subject: Re: Rantaunet: Yayasan Citra Mandiri
>>Kepada yang terhomat Bapak Sjamsir,
>>Thank you for your reply and your interest.
>>>I think someone in Padang will help you. We have at least a couple
>>>of Rantaunet from Padang. Unfortunately one is in Singapore right now.
>>>I detected a new member just joined us this week. Like the other member,
>>>let's hope she will check her email frequently
>>That is very good news. To able to make contact with these people will be
>>great.Thank you very much.
>>>Now, related to your research, may I ask you a question? How long you
>>>been or will be in Mentawai?
>>I originally spent 18 months on the island of Siberut, in the village of
>>Madobag, which is located inland from the main town in South Siberut,
>>Siberut. I was conducting research in pursuit of a Ph.D in Cultural/Social
>>Anthropology. This is my first trip back there in 7 years. I plan to spend
>>around 2-3 months catching up with the changes that have been occurring
>>during the time I have been away.
>>>Would you give us in Rantaunet (a maliling list of Minangkabau speakers
>>>whose members spread all over the world) a brief sketch of your
>>>on the cotemporary Mentawai as opposed to what you've read in your office
>>>or University before you visited Mentaway? This question will help us the
>>>member of Rantaunet to view the Mentawai from the distance since none of
>>>from Mentawai and I believe none of us ever visited or lived in Mentawai.
>>>myself have been in Nias for a couple of times, first in 1965 and 2nd in
>>I visited Nias myself early in 1990. We may well have crossed paths
>>somewhere. I have a website related to Mentawai which contains a lot of
>>information which may be of interest to yourself and your colleagues:
>><>. It is all in English, unfortunately, and so
>>be inaccessible to non-English readers. There is a comprehensive list of
>>sources of information, many of which are in Indonesian, and many of which
>>will be available in Padang (especially unpublished manuscripts from Unand
>>and IKIP). Although the information on the site is from 7 years ago, I do
>>not think things have changed all that much. So they will give a good idea
>>of how things are, on Siberut anyway. The other islands of Sipora and
>>U.& S. differ from Siberut in various aspects, since they have been
>>to outside influence for a longer period of time.
>>In my work I am attempting to create a general approach to the study of
>>Kepulauan Mentawai which takes account of the modern complexity of the
>>This is because there are so many inaccuracies in the literature on the
>>islands. Compared to other areas of Indonesia, the Mentawai Islands have
>>been comprehensively studied. Still, there is a large body of research,
>>of which, however, is of dubious quality. Researchers generally do not
>>to really understand the social structures, beliefs, and practices that
>>describe, even though their discriptions are very detailed. This is
>>due to the fact that most researchers do not spend enough time in the
>>"field", which is understandable since it is a hard place to spend any
>>longer than a few weeks. I am currently working on a paper which outlines
>>this approach, and will be posted at in the near future
>>I can get it done before I leave for Indonesia!).
>>>What type of research are you doing? Are you an anthropologist, from
>>>This question is not personal but culturally related which our members
>>>very interested in.
>>Yes, I am an anthropologist,and Australian citizen. My original research
>>done through the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia.
>>the last few years I have been contracted on a part-time basis to teach at
>>Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland.
>>The research which I hope to carry out in the next 2 months will concerned
>>to look at the response of the local people of Siberut, and perhaps
>>to the operation of a number of Surfing businesses which operate out of
>>Padang (and one or two from Bengkulu). Information on the main company,
>>Great Breaks International, is available at <>.
>>This is a relatively recent development, in which recreational (and many
>>professional) surfers from around the world spend 10 days or so surfing
>>are widely regarded to be the best waves in the world. I am interested in
>>what the local people think about all of this, whether they see themselves
>>as benefitting, or perhaps being exploited. This is why I am keen to meet
>>with members of Yayasan Citra Mandiri, in order to get their perspectives
>>upon these sorts of issues. I am also hoping to set up an enduring contact
>>in which Mentawaian people can contribute information and their points of
>>view for the rest of the world through my website.
>>>Indonesian Translator and Cultural Consultant
>>This sounds like an interesting profession, Pak Sjamsir. I have consulted
>>your webpage, and would be interested to learn of your activities,
>>particularly in relation to the "Cultural Consultant" side of your
>>activities, as well as your involvement in education.
>>Thank you again. I hope this information has addressed your questions. I
>>happy to provide any informaton or insight within the limits of my
>>on any aspect of the Mentawai Islands.
>>Best Regards
>>Glenn Reeves.
>>Glenn Reeves
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