Uda Taufiq,

Iko nampaknyo gosip sajo.

Katya ko dibunuah bukan dek karano alasan agamo, karano Katya ko bukan
urang Islam bagai do.

Iko berita langkoknyo di
atau di 

A Ukrainian Model, Katya Koren's mysterious murder (two days ago) has
set off a frenzy of reports in connection to her participation in a
beauty pageant contest.; it is largely held that Koren's murder was
one out of religious motivation.
Previously, headlines had rocked the Ukraine region that the 19 years
old Koren had been stoned to death on account of her participation in
the beauty pageant contest by a bunch of young muslim heretics.
Reports had initially stated that Koren was stoned to death by three
Muslim young men who justified the killing of the girl under the
Islamic Law. The boys said that the murder of Koren was justified as
she had violated the laws of the Shariah by participating in the
Beauty Pageant. The accused also said that they had no regrets
whatsoever over the murder they had committed. New evidence is coming
to light, and the Ukrainian officials are downright outraged at the
The Ukrainian Officials have widely condemned the misreporting of this
incident claiming that there is no truth to the news reported by the
media. The Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar, Peoples' Chairman, Mustafa
Abdülcemil Qırımoğlu, has claimed that one of the teenagers had been
detained by the police and was tortured into accepting the blame for
the murder. He further said that: . “The killing was covered in a
distorted way, and made to look like a religiously motivated murder,
by the media around the world. The girl was not Muslim. All these
[reports] are a provocation and fabricated news." According to the
statement of the said official, the girl was not even Muslim; she was
a Christian with Russian ancestry.
On the other hand, the Telegraph reports a whole new story altogether.
It states that a Senior Police Official in Ukraine has passed a
statement stating that Koren was killed by a deranged and
psychologically disturbed classmate. Apparently the classmate raped
Koren, beat her up with rocks and then half-buried her battered body
in the forest.
"A student did it, killing his classmate," Sergei Reznikov, a Senior
Policeman involved in the case said. "There is no other underlying
reason, neither religious nor linked with inter-ethnic conflicts."
Friends of Koren said that she finished seventh in a regional beauty
contest and was extremely fashion savy. Though, the Crimean region is
home to more than 250,000 Muslim, the Crimean Tatars, not a single
case of stoning to death under the Shariah law of Islam has been
reported to date. The mystery of Koren's murder, however, remains
Michelle Lincaster is based in Boston, Massachusetts, United States of
America, and is Reporter for Allvoices
Report Credibility

On 1 Jun, 22:57, taufiqras...@rantaunet.org wrote:
> Dek awak cukuik sikola di Andam Dewi sajo
> -----TR
> Ikut Kontes Kecantikan, Gadis Ini Dibunuh
> Sang pelaku tak menyesal karena korban dianggap telah melanggar hukum agama.
> Rabu, 1 Juni 2011, 08:39 WIB
> VIVAnews - Seorang gadis berusia 19 tahun di Ukraina dilempari batu hingga 
> tewas setelah mengikuti kontes kecantikan. Keikutsertaan korban bernama Katya 
> Koren di kontes itu mengundang kemarahan sesama remaja sehingga dia 
> dieksekusi mati secara sadis.
> Menurut harian New York Daily News, 31 Mei 2011, peristiwa itu berlangsung di 
> sebuah desa di Ukraina. Katya sebelumnya dilaporkan hilang selama seminggu. 
> Mayatnya ditemukan di hutan dekat desa tempat dia tinggal.
> Menurut penyelidikan polisi setempat, pembunuh gadis malang itu ada tiga 
> orang. Mereka semua masih remaja. Salah seorang tersangka masih berusia 16 
> tahun bernama Bihal Gaziev.
> Menurut Bihal, dia tidak menyesal telah melempari batu ke Katya hingga tewas. 
> Pasalnya, menurut Bihal, Katya jelas telah melanggar norma dengan mengikuti 
> kontes kecantikan yang memamerkan aurat.
> Dalam kontes itu, Katya tidak jadi juara, melainkan berada di urutan ketujuh. 
> Menurut teman-temannya, Katya dikenal gemar memakai baju-baju yang sedang 
> menjadi tren.
> Katya Koren (Facebook)
> Tawuran di Parlemen Ukraina
> Parlemen Ukraina Ricuh,Telur Busuk Bertaburan
> Politisi Pro-Rusia Diunggulkan Menang Pemilu
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

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