It would appear that there is not going to be a statement directly from the JSC 
regarding its members' reactions to the Data Model Meeting. I therefore address 
some questions, which might have been answered in such a statement, to RDA-L.

  At the moment, the RDA is in draft form and has been subjected to much 
criticism. According to the RDA Prospectus, the 'underlying framework' for RDA 
is to be provided by FRBR and FRAD, both of which are still in a state of 

  Funding will be sought for the provision of an RDA Element Vocabulary, an 
RDA/DC Application Profile based on FRBR and FRAD and RDA Value Vocabularies.

  How will the present unfinished state of RDA, FRBR and FRAD affect the 
proposed developments? What changes will be sought to these standards in order 
to maximize the quality of the vocabularies and application profile? How will 
the schedule leading to the publication of RDA be affected by the new 

  Philip Davis

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