Diane I. Hillmann wrote:

 [I'd love to
see some analysis of the real extent of shared data, including an
analysis of contributions to OCLC--and especially those records that
have been "bumped" by LC records, the assumption being that LC's are
always better! That's a wonderful example of built-in disincentives
to increased metadata creation outside LC, by the way.]

Diane, during the last open meeting, Lorcan Dempsey read a few figures
from a statistical report of OCLC's. I don't remember the details, but
it was about the number of holdings attached to LoC records v. non-LoC,
and his point was that LoC records are favored heavily. The WorldCat
site lists LoC as 12% of the contributed records, 86% "participant" and
2% "participant-entered LC". (Anyone know what that latter is?) Perhaps
we could ask Lorcan for the location of that report. It may not answer
your "bumped" question, but that's worth asking about.

As for name authorities, you list a combined 332,640 for NACO. The LoC
stats (based on what they say about the 2008 subscription) is a total of
450,000 records, of which 250,000 new. So the figures are not so far
apart between LoC and NACO.


Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.kcoyle.net
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

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