At 05:50 PM 12/5/2007, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
On Dec 5, 2007, at 6:33 PM, A. Ralph Papakhian wrote:


agreed. OPAC developers (except maybe the harvard implementation of
exlibris and NOTIS) failed to account for the provisions of AACR2 rule
25.1 (especially the purpose "for organizing the file"):

Chapter 25. Uniform Titles
25.1. Use of Uniform Titles

Uniform titles can be used for different purposes. They provide the

This is a _very difficult_ thing for OPAC developers to take account
of, when there is no way to tell for what use a particular uniform
title was used for, and when even if you could figure it out, you may
want and need one of the other uses that it _wasn't_ used for.

All the OPAC has to do, to meet those different purposes, is to
mechanically treat them the same way:  Group things together that have the
same UT, and arrange the different UTs in alphabetical order.  That's what
the card catalog did, and it accomplished all of the purposes that AACR2
describes.  Find me an OPAC that does that as well as the card catalog did.

Kevin M. Randall
Principal Serials Cataloger
Bibliographic Services Dept.
Northwestern University Library
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL  60208-2300
phone: (847) 491-2939
fax:   (847) 491-4345

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