Yes this discussion occurs about this time every year, but we solve it, in the absence of a publication date, by recording the copyright date as published on the piece regardless of when the thing was received (per AACR2 1.4F6). We CAN blame RDA for its instruction in to "supply the date or approximate date of publication" when it is NOT printed on the piece, thus introducing multiple records for the same manifestation and going against the principle of exact transcription.

John Attig wrote:
On 11/24/2010 12:36 PM, Mike Tribby wrote:
So the 2010 date, which does not actually appear on the item, would be recorded 
in an RDA record based simply on when the item appeared at the cataloging 
agency based on... what?

What if the item arrived at one agency on December 31, 2010, but arrived at 
other cataloging agencies' offices on January 2, 2011 owing to vagaries in 
holiday scheduling for delivery companies? The book would then be a [2010] 
publication some places, but just as legitimately a 2011 for other agencies?

Just another thing to love about RDA! This truly is the season of giving, isn't 
You cannot blame this on RDA. This discussion occurs about this time of year *every year* on AUTOCAT when people begin receiving materials with next year's publication date but which have obviously already been published. RDA does not change the fact that this does happen, nor the arguments about how correctly to record the "facts".

        John Attig
        Authority Control Librarian
        Penn State University

Michael L. Cohen
Head, Copy Cataloging & Catalog Maintenance Units
General Library System, University of Wisconsin-Madison 
324C Memorial Library                   
728 State Street
Madison, WI 53706-1494
Phone: (608) 262-3246    Fax: (608) 262-4861

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