Bernadette asked: "And if a composer sets a pre-existing poem to music, what
relator term should the poet get?  None of the creator list terms are
available, and 'writer of added lyrics' presumes that the music predates the


No one has replied to this yet, so I'll try to tackle it.


This is a 'Related Work' situation.


I could not find a specific Related Work \ Derivative Work \ Relationship
Designator at J.2.2 <> , so I would
use either the most general "based on (work)" or one step down "adaptation
of (work)"; unless "musical setting of (work)" could apply?


In RDA minus MARC:

Related Work:   AAP (or link to record) for the Poem

Relationship Designator:  musical setting of (work)


In RDA/MARC: add a Related Work added entry for the poem:

                700 1# $i musical setting of (work): $a Poet, John. $t Poem.






-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  

Deborah Fritz

TMQ, Inc.




From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Bernadette Mary O'Reilly
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 3:59 PM
Subject: [RDA-L] Relators for contributors and consultants




I want to provide a 'model' record for training purposes for a resource
which is a dictionary of biography.  It has a consultant editor, 3 editors
and 15 contributors.  The latter presumably did most of the writing and are
between them responsible for most of the intellectual/artistic content of
the resource, but because they are responsible for different bits the work
is a compilation, entered under title.


'editor of compilation' seems right for the 3 editors.  I suppose that the
consultant editor will have to be just 'editor', but that doesn't seem good
for someone who presumably is offering guidance before and during the
writing rather than tidying it afterwards.  And what about the contributors?
Is it legitimate to use 'author' for contributors to a work entered under a
title?  They are authors of their own bits, but not creators with respect to
the work as a whole, and 'author' is in the creator list.  (I only plan to
name one contributor - the rest will be '[and fourteen others].')


A similar case: a compilation of photographs by many different people, each,
naturally, responsible for separate photos.  Could they be 'photographer'?
'illustrator' is not good, since the text is slight and subordinate to the


And if a composer sets a pre-existing poem to music, what relator term
should the poet get?  None of the creator list terms are available, and
'writer of added lyrics' presumes that the music predates the text.


Suggestions or clarifications would be very welcome.





Bernadette O'Reilly 
Catalogue Support Librarian 

01865 2-77134 

Bodleian Libraries, 
Osney One Building
Osney Mead
Oxford OX2 0EW.



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