Emily Flynn asked:

>What about the fixed fields? How are you treating the two dates from
>repeating 264s then? Using "r" in DtSt or representing the original
>vs. microforms dates in a different way?

We find it counter intuitive that apart from continuing resources, the
later date does in date one, and the ealier date goes in date two,
with type of date "r".  But so it is.  So far as we know, RDA did not
change fixed field coding of dates, just raised the question of fixed
field coding when the publication and copyright year are the same, and
both are (needlessly) recorded.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
  {__  |   /     Special Libraries Cataloguing   HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/
  ___} |__ \__________________________________________________________

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