Dear JSC,

Because there are so many deadlines "floating around in emails," Gordon
agreed that I should send a listing of current deadlines.  I'll update the
list via email as deadlines are added.  The list below includes dates from
the 2013 meeting actions table plus dates assigned after the meeting via
emails.  It doesn't include any of my tasks related to editing for the
February release.

Let me know if I've omitted any deadlines or given incorrect information.

FYI:  Five of the more complicated proposals requiring additional work now
have Jan. 10-13 deadlines.  With only a few days between those deadlines
and my Jan. 15 deadline to send you the Sec final drafts, the Sec final
drafts for those five proposals may not be ready by that Jan. 15 deadline.

Regards, Judy

= = = = =

?? -- remaining draft JSC responses to EURIG documents:  Alan

Nov. 29 -- example for  Examples Group

Nov. 30 -- protocol for synchronization between JSC and ISBD RG:  Gordon

Nov. 30 -- comments on latest draft of Policy/1:  JSC reps

Nov. 30 -- revised draft of Editor's Guide to JSC:  Judy

Nov. 30 -- report to JSC on comparison of scope statements in ch. 25-28
with glossary definitions:  Judy

Nov. 30 -- listing to JSC of glossary terms with parenthetical qualifiers:

Nov. 30 -- information to JSC about unresolved vocabulary
terms/definitions:  Judy

Dec. 1 -- report to JSC on comparison of wording in D.1.2:  Judy

Dec. 1 -- contact with ALA TF on places about being involved in JSC WG on
places:  Kathy

Dec. 3 -- comments on Fast Track entries:  JSC reps

Dec. 3 -- comments on draft of initial Outcomes announcement:  JSC reps

Dec. 6 -- comments on terms of reference for ROF Working Group:  JSC reps

Dec. 6 -- comments on general terms of reference document:  JSC reps

Dec. 7 -- comments on draft JSC response to the ISBD RG response involving
ISBD/Discussion 1 and 2:  JSC reps

Dec. 8 -- comments on draft annual report:  JSC reps

Dec. 15 -- examples for variant access points (ALA/24):  Examples Group

Dec. 15 -- information to Gordon about problems with definition of
"projected" as a Media type:  JSC reps

Dec. 15 -- preparation of ALA/23/rev:  Kathy

Dec. 20 -- comments on terms of reference for places working group:  JSC

Dec. 31 -- nominations for working group on places:  JSC reps

Dec. 31 -- report to JSC on "number" vs. "numeral" in RDA:  Judy

Jan. 1 -- draft to JSC of final Outcomes announcement:  Judy [JAK needs to
discuss this deadline with Gordon because precedes deadline for comments on
four follow-up documents and revision of ALA/23]

Jan. 10 -- comments on CCC/11/follow-up:  JSC reps

Jan. 10 -- comments on final Outcomes document:  JSC reps

Jan. 13 -- comments on Music/3/follow-up:  JSC reps

Jan. 13 -- comments on BL/13/LC follow-up:  JSC reps

Jan. 13 -- probable deadline (not yet announced) for comments on
ALA/23/rev:  JSC reps

Jan. 13 -- posting of new Fast Track entries for April Update in Fast Track
log:  JSC reps

Jan. 15 -- distribution of Sec final document drafts for JSC review:  Judy

Jan. 15 -- revised draft of element analysis table:  Judy

Jan. 31 -- comments on Sec final document drafts:  JSC reps

Jan. 31 -- comments on revised draft of element analysis table:  JSC reps

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