Hi Ben et al,

I am using rdiff-backup-1.1 on SuSE9.3 Pro/ext3.  Backing up to
NTFS/win2k3 via CIFS. I am not using pyxattr or pyxattr.  The source dir
is local.

Thanks in advance.

stealth3:/mnt/stage01/backups/test # rdiff-backup
-v9 /home/atworkowski/tmp/ /mnt/stage01/backups/test/
Tue Oct 25 10:23:27 2005  Unable to import module xattr.
Extended attributes not supported on filesystem at /home/atworkowski/tmp
Tue Oct 25 10:23:27 2005  Unable to import module posix1e from pylibacl
ACLs not supported on filesystem at /home/atworkowski/tmp
Tue Oct 25 10:23:27 2005
Detected abilities for source (read only) file system:
  Access control lists                         Off
  Extended attributes                          Off
  Case sensitivity                             On
  Mac OS X style resource forks                Off
  Mac OS X Finder information                  Off
Tue Oct 25 10:23:27 2005  Making
directory /mnt/stage01/backups/test/rdiff-backup-data/rdiff-backup.tmp.9
Tue Oct 25 10:23:27 2005
Touching /mnt/stage01/backups/test/rdiff-backup-data/rdiff-backup.tmp.9/5-_ a.
Tue Oct 25 10:23:27 2005
Deleting /mnt/stage01/backups/test/rdiff-backup-data/rdiff-backup.tmp.9/5-_ a.
Tue Oct 25 10:23:27 2005
Touching /mnt/stage01/backups/test/rdiff-backup-data/rdiff-backup.tmp.9/:\\uffff
Tue Oct 25 10:23:27 2005
Touching /mnt/stage01/backups/test/rdiff-backup-data/rdiff-backup.tmp.9/A
Tue Oct 25 10:23:27 2005
Deleting /mnt/stage01/backups/test/rdiff-backup-data/rdiff-backup.tmp.9/a
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/rdiff-backup", line 23, in ?
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line
293, in Main
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line
263, in take_action
    elif action == "backup": Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/Main.py", line
304, in Backup
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/fs_abilities.py", line
603, in backup_set_globals
    dest_fsa = FSAbilities('destination').init_readwrite(Globals.rbdir)
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/fs_abilities.py", line
138, in init_readwrite
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/rdiff_backup/fs_abilities.py", line
239, in set_case_sensitive_readwrite
    assert not upper_a.lstat()

On Mon, 2005-10-24 at 23:16 -0500, Ben Escoto wrote:
> >>>>> Adam Tworkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>>> wrote the following on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 13:28:11 -0400
> > 
> > Is it feasible to use rdiff-backup to backup remote Linux boxes to a
> > CIFS mount share on a Linux box?  I seem to be able to use 'cp -a'
> > local and retain ownerships and permissions.  rsync keeps
> > permissions but looses ownership.  rdiff-backup complains, even
> > doing a attempting to back up a local directory to the share.  It
> > goes as far as to create rdiff-backup-data and drop some
> > rdiff-backup files.
> > 
> > Is this a feasible object?  If the answer is something like "yes, in
> > theory", I can certainly provide the rdiff-backup errors.
> Sure, rdiff-backup (especially 0.13.x and later) is supposed to work
> well on weird file systems, so just run it with verbosity 5 or higher
> (-v5) and post the errors.

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