
i've implemented paramiko library to rdiff-backup code. If someone is
interested in I changed only two files: SetConnections.py and Main.py.

Here is some code:

# SetConnections.py modifications
import paramiko
import new

__cmd_schema = '%s'

# ......
# init_connection() function

    # Remove .__del__ method from BufferedFile. This can broke thread
    # and print some nasty exceptions at the end of rdiff-backup
    # working.
    paramiko.file.BufferedFile.__del__ = new.instancemethod(
        lambda x: None,
    full_hostname = remote_cmd
    port = 22
    username, hostname = full_hostname.split('@')
    if hostname.find(':') > 0:
        hostname, port = hostname.split(':')

    trans = paramiko.Transport((hostname, int(port)))
    trans.connect(username=username, password='yourpassword')
    chan = trans.open_channel("session")
    command = 'rdiff-backup --server'
    stdin = chan.makefile('w')
    stdout = chan.makefile()
    conn_number = len(Globals.connections)
    conn = connection.PipeConnection(stdout, stdin, conn_number)

Paramiko channel have makefile() function wich is simulating pipe similar to
popen2(). The second modification is some cleanup code for paramiko threads:

# Main.py
# cleanup() function

    # join paramiko threads
    from paramiko.transport import _active_threads
    for tobj in _active_threads:

And this is all. I've tested it on Windows and Linux and it's working fine.
Paramiko is a little slower than ssh client on LInux.

Now i want to make some more modifications in code (for example reading
login/password from config file and GUI) so publishing paramiko connection
code now is a good idea ;-)

Modified files u can find here: http://pako.overflow.pl/trash/rdiff-backup/

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