On 12/08/2010 11:01 AM, Dominic Raferd wrote:
On 07/12/2010 22:40, ~D wrote:
On 12/07/2010 09:33 PM, Dominic Raferd wrote:

On 07/12/10 18:54, ~D wrote:
On 12/07/2010 05:09 PM, Dominic Raferd wrote:
On 07/12/2010 14:42, ~D wrote:
On 12/07/2010 03:26 PM, D. Kriesel wrote:
Do you prevent a shutdown or reboot when rdiff-backup is running?

Since rdiff-backup does not like backup interruptions (and
therefore is not usable on slow or unreliable connections) I rdiff
to a local repository on the server (the server usually doesn't
reboot) and rsync the entire repository to the remote destination.

My backup only runs when there is a internet connection. I use my
at home most of the time. I have to find a way to check wether
rdiff-backup is running and to reboot after it shutdown. I can use
of course, but I am not sure if rdiff-backup is runnin also local
on my
laptop or only on my server.

Maybe there is a more advanced way to do this?
You can test for running rdiff-backup locally thus:

[ -n "`ps -o pid --no-heading -C rdiff-backup`" ]&&  echo "running"
|| echo "not running"

and you can query remote server thus:

[ -n "`ssh u...@remote.server "ps -o pid --no-heading -C
rdiff-backup" 2>/dev/null`" ]&& echo "running" || echo "not running" .
Ah Thanks! So it should be possible to make some script which checks
if it's is running, if no, shutdown, if yes, wait 15 minuts and check
again etc... right?


yes you could write a bash script and put it as a job in your crontab
to run every 15 minutes, say...

My mirror backup server (not my primary) is updated from my primary by
a script which uses rdiff. The script runs on the primary and starts
by waking up the mirror server (over the internet), then runs rsync,
then after checking all is well, powers down the mirror. Works well
with rsync - as David pointed out earlier, it is not a good idea to
run rdiff-backup over an unstable connection.
I was thinking about a script on my laptop for shutdown my machine,
instead of running sudo shutdown -h now, run a script which only make
the laptop shutdown when rdiff-backup is not runnning.

I'm using fluxbox, so I'm used to shutdown my machine via terminal.


Here's a script 'auto-shutdown.sh' I use which shuts down a machine if there is no ssh connection and certain other programs are not running:

if [ -z "`netstat -t|grep :ssh.*ESTABLISHED$`" ]; then
  [ "`ps -A|grep -Ec "cp$|rsync$|mv$|rm$"`" = "0" ] && shutdown -h now

add a line to /etc/crontab thus, to run the script hourly:
01 *    * * *   root    /opt/auto-shutdown.sh

I made this script to be sure it only shuts down when rdiff-backup isn't running:


while true;
    do if pgrep rdiff-backup > /dev/null; then sleep 10;
    shutdown -h now;

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