On 11/19/23 06:42, EricZolf wrote:

I'm especially looking at Frank, but perhaps some SuSE packager is here, or anybody else with specific needs.
As a long time Fedora and RH/Centos user I would hate to see rdiff-backup disappear from the repositories.

I have seen packages drop the RPM spec file and then disappear from the repos which kind of dead ends the product from a RH and variants point of view.

As I modernize the build system for rdiff-backup, using pyproject.toml and getting rid of direct calls to setup.py [1], I'd need to touch as well the RPM spec template files _OR_ completely remove them [2].

And when I write that "I'd need to touch", I actually mean that I would need someone to do it for me, because I have barely a clue.

But first step is to clarify if anybody is (still) using the spec files from the repo. If nobody complains, I'll remove them.

Thanks, Eric

[1] https://blog.ganssle.io/articles/2021/10/setup-py-deprecated.html
[2] https://github.com/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup/tree/ericzolf-remove-setup-py/tools

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