On 05/06/12 07:28, Paul Emsley wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a different question. I am in the C++ world.  I want to get to 
> the value returned by the python function default(mol) from the module 
> silicos_it.descriptors.qed.
> And to do that, I'm following this:
> http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/11805/Embedding-Python-in-C-C-Part-I
> I can get the PyObject * for the default() function. I need to load a 
> tuple for the argument list with a PyObject * representation of a 
> const RDKit::ROMol &.  From what Ralf says, I need to construct a 
> boost.python object (how do I do that?) and use its ptr() function to 
> get a PyObject *.

(To reply to myself)

After yet more reading and tinkering, I see that 
boost::python::api::object(mol) seems to give me what I want... (maybe).


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