Hi All,

Just wanted to inform all Visual Studio users of some weirdness that
we encountered after updating Visual Studio 2017 to version 15.7.2,
that was, on release config, the following tests failed:

1>     53 - pyChemReactions (SEGFAULT)
1>     60 - pyFilterCatalog (SEGFAULT)
1>     72 - pyMolDescriptors (SEGFAULT)
1>    114 - pyGraphMolWrap (SEGFAULT)

What caused the segfaults was direct touching of the __doc__ property
of the python wrapper functions. The underlying reason for this was
that at O2 level optimization, boost::python produced corrupted
wrappers, apparently due to some changes in the VS optimizer. There is
now a PR in boost/python for this issue at

My setup was Python 3.6.5 and Boost 1.67.0.


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