On 2012-09-15 05:40, Greg Landrum wrote:
Hi Jan,

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Jan Holst Jensen
<j...@biochemfusion.com> wrote:
I have now managed to produce a nice little self-contained DLL that uses
RDKit to do substructure mapping. It receives a query and a target molecule
as two MDL molfile strings. When the inputs are valid it behaves well and
returns the atom mapping to me. Yes :-).

However, when I give it an invalid MDL molfile as input, e.g. a text file
with regular prose, MolDataStreamToMol() throws a highly unexpected error

This piece of my test code:

     ifstream query_file ("C:\\SubstructData\\results.txt");

     auto_ptr<RWMol> query (NULL);
     unsigned int line = 0;

     try {
         query.reset( MolDataStreamToMol(query_file, line, false, false,
false) );
     } catch (std::exception& e) {
         cout << "STD-ERROR: " << e.what() << endl;
         return 1;
     } catch (...) {
         cout << "UNK-ERROR: Unknown exception." << endl;
         return 1;

produces this output:

[00:13:24] CTAB version string invalid at line 4
STD-ERROR: Unknown exception

In MolFileParser.cpp line 1881 I can locate the reported error message:

         std::ostringstream errout;
         errout<<"CTAB version string invalid at line "<<line;
           if(res) delete res;
           throw FileParseException(errout.str());
         } else {
           BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << errout.str() << std::endl;

Since I run with strictParsing==false the BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) call must
be the one that emits the first line of output, and I assume that the boost
warning log does not throw an exception. I haven't been able to figure out
where the exception gets thrown, but that must be later in the code.

If I switch to strict parsing (last parameter in MolDataStreamToMol() set to
true) I don't see the boost log message anymore, only the single line
"STD-ERROR: Unknown exception". So strict parsing actually yields less error
message context.

I hope the exception error message can be changed to something more
meaningful ?
I would guess that the exception being thrown is a FileParseException.
These don't do anything to override the what() method, so you get the
"unknown exception" text. I will fix that.
Here's the code from the python wrapper for constructing a molecule
from a mol block
($RDBASE/Code/GraphMol/Wrap/rdmolfiles.cpp:MolFromMolFile()). It
catches the exceptions that are likely to arise and returns a NULL if
something fails. This might be useful:
     RWMol *newM=0;
     try {
       newM = MolFileToMol(molFilename, sanitize,removeHs,strictParsing);
     } catch (RDKit::BadFileException &e) {
       throw python::error_already_set();
     } catch (RDKit::FileParseException &e) {
       BOOST_LOG(rdWarningLog) << e.message() <<std::endl;
     } catch (...) {

     return static_cast<ROMol *>(newM);


Hi Greg,

Ah, so the actual message is in .message() instead of .what() - that explains it. I changed my test code to:

        try {
            query.reset( MolDataStreamToMol(query_file, line, false,
   false, true) );
   *    } catch (RDKit::BadFileException &e) {**
   **        cout << "RDK-ERROR: " << e.message() << endl;**
   **        return 1;**
   **    } catch (RDKit::FileParseException &e) {**
   **        cout << "RDK-ERROR: " << e.message() << endl;**
   **        return 1;*
        } catch (std::exception& e) {
            cout << "STD-ERROR: " << e.what() << endl;
            return 1;
        } catch (...) {
            cout << "UNK-ERROR: Unknown exception." << endl;
            return 1;

and now I get this output:

   RDK-ERROR: CTAB version string invalid at line 4

Problem solved for now - thanks :-). Having the actual message available in .what() as well in future will be nice though.

-- Jan
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