Awesome! Thanks for this. I will fix the code in GitHub.


> On 04 Nov 2013, at 19:09, Jack Howarth <> wrote:
>   Howard Hinnant, one of the Apple libc++ maintainers, kindly analyzed the 
> compilation failure of Timer.cpp and had the
> following comments...
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The problem is here:
>  class Dict {
>  public:
>    typedef std::map<const std::string, boost::any> DataType;  // <-------
> When the copy assignment operator of Dict does:
>      _data = other._data;
> (where _data is a DataType), then libc++ tries to assign to a *const* 
> std::string, and triggers the error.
> The fix is simple:  Remove the const from the std::string in DataType:
>    typedef std::map<std::string, boost::any> DataType;
> This is an understandable error when upgrading from a C++03-based std::lib to 
> a C++11-based std::lib.  You've stumbled across one of the very
> few places that the committee broke API between C++03 and C++11.  And the API 
> is broken for a very good reason:  A very significant
> performance optimization opportunity for [multi]map.
> Background:
> The C++98/03 [multi]map/set containers did not require the contained element 
> to be assignable, even for the copy assignment operator of these
> containers.  Instead the implementation was supposed to do an erase, or clear 
> of the lhs, followed by an insert for every element in the rhs.
> In C++11 23.2.4 [associative.reqmts]/p7 (and there's a similar paragraph for 
> the unordered containers) transfers the requirements on
> value_type (the pair<const key_type, mapped_type>), directly to the key_type 
> and mapped_type, specifically calling out CopyAssignable as an
> example.
> This allows the map copy assignment operator to recycle nodes (assign the 
> key_type and mapped_type within the nodes) as part of the assignment
> process, in addition to using erase/insert.  In your example, if _data.size() 
> == other._data.size(), and if all strings in other._data are
> short, the assignment could be done with *zero* trips to the heap (*very 
> fast*).  In contrast, every erase, and every insert results in at
> least one deallocation and allocation respectively.
> I'm not positive but I believe libc++ may be the only std::lib which 
> currently implements this optimization, and so compiling against other
> std::libs would not trigger this error.
> You can blame me for this API breakage in C++11.  I believed (and still 
> believe) the cost in breakage is worth the performance benefit.  I see
> const-qualified types in containers very rarely (strictly speaking I think 
> they are not even allowed, but I would have to double check that).
> Also libc++ follows the C++11 rules even with -std=c++03.  The philosophy of 
> libc++ is that there are already plenty of C++03 std::libs.
> libc++ emulates a C++11 environment, even when -std=c++03.  This is meant to 
> aid clients in transition from C++03 to C++11.  For example
> std::shared_ptr and std::unordered_map are available even in -std=c++03.
> If for some reason taking the const out of the DataType typedef is not 
> desirable, you can easily emulate the C++03 behavior (but giving up the
> performance optimization) by replacing:
>    Dict &operator=(const Dict &other) {
>      _data = other._data;
>      return *this;
>    };
> with:
>    Dict &operator=(const Dict &other) {
>      if (this != &other) {
>        _data.clear();
>        _data.insert(other._data.begin(), other._data.end());
>      }
>      return *this;
>    };
> And this:
>    Dict(const Dict &other) {
>      _data = other._data;
>    };
> with:
>    Dict(const Dict &other)
>      : _data(other._data)
>    {};
> This latter change should be made whether or not you take the const out of 
> DataType.  It is inefficient to default construct a data member
> just to assign it a new value.  Better to construct it directly to the 
> desired value.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So the trivial patch....
> --- RDKit_2013_06_1/Code/RDGeneral/Dict.h.orig    2013-11-03 
> 13:22:27.000000000 -0500
> +++ RDKit_2013_06_1/Code/RDGeneral/Dict.h    2013-11-03 13:22:54.000000000 
> -0500
> @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
>   //!
>   class Dict {
>   public:
> -    typedef std::map<const std::string, boost::any> DataType;
> +    typedef std::map<std::string, boost::any> DataType;
>     Dict(){
>       _data.clear();
>     };
> ...allows RDKit_2013_06_1 to completely compile under Xcode 5.0.1 and libc++ 
> on Mac OS X 10.9.
>             Jack
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