Hi all,

here the code for Open3DALIGN:

        cids = generateConformers(mol, numConformers)
        prbPyMP = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(mol)  
        maxScore = 0;              
        for refCid in refCids:
            for cid in cids:
                alignment = AllChem.GetO3A(mol, refMol, prbPyMP, refPyMP, 
                        prbCid=cid, refCid=refCid,)
                score = alignment.Score()
                logger.debug('Score: %.2f', score)
                if score > maxScore:
                    logger.info('New max. Score: %.2f', score)
                    maxScore = score
                    refConformerId = refCid
                    molCid = cid
        alignment = AllChem.GetO3A(mol, refMol, prbPyMP, refPyMP, 
prbCid=molCid, refCid=refConformerId)
        # show in PyMol

One question I have is how I can align this to a specific fragment or the MCS? 
I tried using constraintMap but for some reason o3a does not want to align the 
2 structure on it. I suspect because then the rest of the alignment will not be 
very good in that case.

The code:

        constraintMap = []
        constraintWeights = []
        mcs = MCS.FindMCS([refMol,mol], bondCompare='bondtypes', 
        if mcs.completed == 1 and mcs.numAtoms > 0:
            core = Chem.MolFromSmarts(mcs.smarts) # or use specific smarts 
pattern through argument option
            logger.info('MCS: %s', Chem.MolToSmiles(core))
            refMatch = refMol.GetSubstructMatch(core) 
            match = mol.GetSubstructMatch(core)           
            for idx, val in enumerate(match):
                constraintMap.append((val, refMatch[idx]))
        alignment = AllChem.GetO3A(mol, refMol, prbPyMP, refPyMP,  prbCid=cid, 
refCid=refCid, constraintMap=constraintMap,  

The alinment is different but it still does not want to align to my defined 
fragment. even if I set constraintWeights to very high value. In my case I 
especially want to align heteroatoms properly. For that I tried:

for idx, val in enumerate(match):
                constraintMap.append((val, refMatch[idx]))                
                if mol.GetAtomWithIdx(val).GetAtomicNum() != 6:
                    logger.info('Set weigth to 1000')

But the single hetero atoms in this my test case are still not aligned on each 
other.  I also tried ConstrainedEmbed (or how it is called) but that results in 
either an error or with relaxed parameters in a completely useless 
conformation, namely on a ring.

What are my options?
From: greg.land...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 08:20:56 +0200
Subject: Re: [Rdkit-discuss] 3D alignment in Python: align conformers of 2 
To: beginn...@hotmail.de
CC: rdkit-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net

On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 7:57 AM, Thomas Strunz <beginn...@hotmail.de> wrote:

thanks for your quick reply. This helped to improve the alignment.

I'm glad to hear it! 

How can I reproduce the alignment done in with the Open3DAlign Node in Python? 
Is it possible at all?

But of course. :-)There's some example code that shows how to do it on page 37 
of Paolo's presentation from the last RDKit UGM:



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