On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 5:41 AM, Peter S. Shenkin <shen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Seems that somewhere in the guts of RDKit there might well be code that
> divides atoms into equivalence classes.
> In the most common (tetravalent, tetrahedral) chiral situation, if the
> tetrahedral center's four connected atoms fell into 3 equivalence classes,
> the center would be prochiral. Then we'd have something like aC(b)(b)d,
> where a, b, and d represent the equivalence classes of the directly
> attached atoms.

Assuming I'm understanding you correctly, that's what the code below is
doing. When you tell CanonicalRankAtoms() not to breakTies, it just finds
the equivalence classes.

> In the past, for a core-hopping application, I've stored a core library as
> the SMILES of the stripped and H-substituted core. I've wished that I could
> use SMILES '@' notation to specify which of the two H's originally held the
> substituent (when only one did).
You could do that with the current RDKit by using either an isotopic label
or atom map number on the H's that replaced the side chain, *or* by using
dummies to mark the attachment points (this last is what
Chem.ReplaceSidechains does)

The atom map number is used in the canonicalization, as this example

In [34]: m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C[C@](F)(Cl)Br')

In [35]: m.GetAtomWithIdx(2).SetAtomicNum(1)

In [36]: m.GetAtomWithIdx(3).SetAtomicNum(1)

In [37]: Chem.MolToSmiles(m,True)
Out[37]: '[H][C@]([H])(C)Br'

In [38]: m.GetAtomWithIdx(2).SetProp('molAtomMapNumber','3')

In [39]: m.GetAtomWithIdx(3).SetProp('molAtomMapNumber','1')

In [40]: Chem.MolToSmiles(m,True)
Out[40]: 'C[C@@](Br)([H:1])[H:3]'

In [41]: m.GetAtomWithIdx(2).SetProp('molAtomMapNumber','1')

In [42]: m.GetAtomWithIdx(3).SetProp('molAtomMapNumber','3')

In [43]: Chem.MolToSmiles(m,True)
Out[43]: 'C[C@](Br)([H:1])[H:3]'

On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 10:53 PM, Greg Landrum <greg.land...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> This isn't an area I've thought much about, so this may be a bit naive.
>> It seems like the interesting atom from the perspective of perception is
>> the carbon that the Hs are attached to, not the Hs themselves; it's the
>> carbon that will become a chiral center.
>> If we neglect dependent stereochemistry for the moment, can't we just
>> find carbon atoms that have two hydrogen substituents and then look to see
>> if they (the carbons) have two differently ranked neighbors? The advantage
>> to this is that it saves the addHs step and will generally be a lot faster
>> to execute.
>> Here's a quick code snippet, it lets you choose between using CIP ranks
>> to distinguish atoms or just using their canonical rankings.
>> def findProchiral(mol,useCIPRanks=False):
>>     if not useCIPRanks:
>>         ranks = Chem.CanonicalRankAtoms(mol,breakTies=False)
>>     else:
>>         Chem.AssignStereochemistry(mol)
>>         ranks = [x.GetProp('_CIPRank') for x in mol.GetAtoms()]
>>     res = []
>>     for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
>>         # only consider atoms with two heavy neighbors and two Hs.
>>         # could probably be further limited to just consider carbons
>>         if atom.GetTotalDegree()!=4 or atom.GetTotalNumHs()!=2:
>>             continue
>>         hvyNbrRanks=[]
>>         for nbr in atom.GetNeighbors():
>>             if nbr.GetAtomicNum()>1:
>>                 hvyNbrRanks.append(ranks[nbr.GetIdx()])
>>                 if len(hvyNbrRanks)==2:
>>                     break
>>         if hvyNbrRanks[0] != hvyNbrRanks[1]:
>>             res.append(atom.GetIdx())
>>     return res
>> Is that headed in the right direction?
>> -greg
>> On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 5:30 PM, Peter S. Shenkin <shen...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Is the canonical rank of prochiral H's different or the same? (For
>>> example the rank of the H's on C-1 of ethyl chloride.)
>>> Thanks,
>>> -P.
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