To close the loop on this: the bug fix is now merged onto master. The ring
stereochemistry code now handles spiro centers.
Here's the little demo of that:

In [2]: print(Chem.CanonSmiles('O[C@H]1CC[C@]11CC[C@@](Cl)(Br)CC1'))

Unlike previously (see the bug report) the stereochemistry info is no
longer being lost.

Since the stereochem info is still there it will be used in the conformer


On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 4:45 AM, Greg Landrum <> wrote:

> Hi James,
> This is definitely a bug. The problem seems to be connected to the way
> what the RDKit calls "ring stereochemistry" is handled when there are spiro
> linkages.
> Here's the github issue:
> I'll take a look.
> Best,
> -greg
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 8:32 PM, James Davidson <>
> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I have hit what I think is a problem with stereochemistry
>> perception/handling for certain types of pseudochiral and/or spirocyclic
>> systems.
>> Basically I am observing that some types of input tetrahedral
>> stereochemical information gets lost when an RDKit molecule is generated.
>> But I only realised this because I was wanting to generate conformers and
>> was seeing stereochemical scrambling…
>> Anyway, an example with pictures will probably explain things better:
>> Any help/advice appreciated.
>> Kind regards
>> James
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