
> this three Mols (m1, m2, m33) below should all represent nitrobenzene,
> right?
> >>> m33=Chem.MolFromSmarts('c1ccccc1[N+](=O)[O-]')
> >>> m1=Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccccc1[N+](=O)[O-]')
> >>> m2=Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccccc1N(=O)(=O)')

I guess m33 represents nitrobenzene in a sense, but unlike m1 and m2, it
also is a representation of nitrotoluene, nitronapthalene, and all 2-, 3-,
and 4-substituted (and multiply substituted) nitrobenzenes.

If wanted a SMARTS query that would match "only" nitrobenzene, I would
start with something like
'[cH1]1[cH1][cH1][cH1][cH1][cH0]1[NX3H0](~[OX1H0])~[OX1H0]', but even that
might also represent some nitrobenzyl radical cation or something.

*nitrobenz = Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1ccccc1[N+](=O)[O-]')*
*nitrotol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('Cc1ccccc1[N+](=O)[O-]')*
*nitrobenz_smarts =

*print([m.HasSubstructMatch(nitrobenz_smarts) for m in [nitrotol,
*print([m.HasSubstructMatch(m33) for m in [nitrotol, nitrobenz]])*

> 2. results of HasSubstructMatch is really unexpected:
> >>> m2.HasSubstructMatch(m33)
> True
> >>> m1.HasSubstructMatch(m33)
> True
> >>> m33.HasSubstructMatch(m1)
> False
> >>> m33.HasSubstructMatch(m2)
> False
> >>>
> m1, m2 is substruct of m33 but m33 is not substuct of m1 or m2. I
> really dont understand this.
> It seems this is problem with smarts mol:
> >>> m33.HasSubstructMatch(m33)
> False

I think if you're going to find substructure matches on un-Santized
molecules, you probably want to use the useQueryQueryMatches option.  The
following results in *True*:

*m33.HasSubstructMatch(m33, useQueryQueryMatches=True)*

But it's not clear to me why you would need to query in this way.

I think there likely is some weird behavior of nitro groups that is
happening here, but it's hard to be sure unless we are all using our terms
the same way.

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